The release product was little more than a glorified texture pack, and is really only notable for including some of the most intelligent FPS AI ever developed, frequently outclassing its competitors to this very day. Tumult was the order of the day, and the project was rebuilt from scratch numerous times, only finally settling into something VALVe would accept with Turtle Rock Studios, later notable for the Left 4 Dead series and Evolve. The project changed hands many times, in the span of four years going through as many developers.

Condition Zero was on the road to hell, and it's a road that starts with outsourced development. Take the compelling tactical-shooty core of CS and augment it with VALVe's legendary powers of design and narrative and you've got a guaranteed slam dunk, right? If only. However you may or may not have heard of Condition Zero, a single-player focused half retail re-release and half sequel. This was essentially a single player DLC for Counter: Strike but the AI was terrible.If you have even a passing familiarity with shooters, chances are you've heard of Counter-Strike: the competitive mod turned full-fledged title that was for a time was the world's most played action game. Story: NoneGameplay: 4/10The Graphics were pretty bad but I wasn't expecting any better out of a game this old. Plus you can do offline missions with bots so if your internet is down and you want to play counter strike offline to fill the time condition zero is for you.Soundtrack: None (sagar)This game is pretty fun to play may not be the same as the original but still its something. Please do something coz whenever i play cz the game was not start i dont know whi happpening so plz do some thing I dont understand how normal counter strike has a better rating because this 1 has bots so you can play alone and it has a game where you pick ur teams depending on points and stuff so i think that counter strike condition zero would get much better results.